Unpacking The Path

Unpacking The Path


It usually seems that the more we learn, the more we advance on the path. But my experience is that moving forward actually comes from examining and unlearning our expectations of the spiritual path. Unlearning is about opening. Opening to reality as it is. Opening to our hearts as they really are. This course offers practical tools in a stimulating and warm environment to begin your journey of unlearning.

In the first part of the course, we will explore the stages of personal and spiritual development that each practitioner must pass through along the path. In the second part of the course, we will dive deep into what “unlearning” actually means and how it works. And finally, we will explore the necessity of walking a path that is uniquely suited to us as individuals, with all our personal preferences and life experiences.

In this very special course, we will discuss these deep and rich topics through intimate, small group conversations, as well as through traditional group classes.

Dates: Oct 27 - Dec 11, 2021.
Format: This course is divided into 3 learning components. 1) Group Classes. 2) Small Group Mentor Circles with Megan, and 3) a Half-Day Virtual Retreat.

A detailed course description and information is here.


To unlearn is to blossom! How exciting! 

The spiritual path never plays out the way we think it will! This is because we bring so many secular expectations to the spiritual path. These expectations can never be met, and progress on the path depends as much on recognizing and unlearning these expectations as it does on our continued spiritual study.

Advancing on the path isn’t about turning our back on who we are and our complicated feelings. It’s not about getting high on ideas of spiritual bliss, nor is it about having a detailed understanding of heady philosophies. It’s not about going to India, taking up robes, or studying with famous teachers. And it’s definitely not about discipline or continuously “working on ourselves.” However you think it will be — miraculous, exciting, painful, impossible, serene, fast, slow— it will be none of those things.  The only certain thing is that it is your path, and the one who walks it is you.

In this very special course, we will discuss these deep and rich topics through intimate, small group conversations, as well as through traditional group classes. Together we will explore opening, unlearning, the stages of personal and spiritual development along the path, and tips for walking a path that’s suited to you and your personality.  

Who is this COurse for?

This course is both foundational (i.e. appropriate for beginner-level students) and advanced at the same time. The foundational information will be new to most long-term students of Buddhism, and the higher-level learning will be approachable to beginners.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have personal questions about the spiritual path? What it means for you as an individual?

  • Do you want to develop a connection with a mature, kind, and diverse community of practitioners?

  • Are you unclear on how the stages of the spiritual path fit together practically, in daily life ?

  • Do you know how to use love to work with resistance? 

  • Are you willing to give up discipline and fascination?

  • Do you want to go deeper in a warm and gentle way? Inspired by love, connection, and tradition?

Format: 7 online sessions

3, 1.5 hour Group Classes — Guided practice, Dharma talk, and group Q&A. 
3, 45 minute Small Group Mentor Circles (New!) —  The first time your group meets, you will have the opportunity to meet as peers to get to know each other. In the following 2 circles, Megan will join you  and offer additional teachings geared just to the group, answer questions, and participate in group discussion.
1, Half Day Virtual Retreat Feel what it is to practice “alone” without feeling alone at all! Can you think of anything more beautiful or useful?

COurse Description:

Class 1: The Foundational Path and The Open Path. Oh, wow! I am so excited about this class! Here we will explore common misconceptions about the stages and process of spiritual/personal development. I feel a lot of people are a bit confused about these stages, and specifically about the interplay between the Foundational Path and Open Path within the Buddhist traditions.  I’m super excited to unpack it with you, and hear your thoughts and questions! This material is not commonly taught. 
Class 2: The Open Path has a Ground. In many ways, the open path is entirely groundless. And yet, the whole thing rests on a very firm, stable, and secure ground!  In this class, we will unpack this paradox. 
Class 3: Living the Open Path. In this class we explore the energy of opening and giving.  Not “whoo whoo” energy. But energy in the way we understand it on a very basic, practical level. One day we wake up tired or depressed, and we say we have low energy. Another day we wake up feeling great. We say we feel energized and decide to go for a jog or play the piano. Giving (the first paramitra) is about opening to energy in exactly the way we already understand and experience it in our daily lives. 


Tuesday, Oct 26, 6:15-7:30pm— Group Class #1: The Foundational Path and The Open Path
Tuesday, Nov 2, 6:15-7:30pm— Students meet with their small group circles 
Tuesday, Nov 9, 6:15-7:30pm— Group Class #2: The Open Path Has a Ground
Tuesday, Nov 16 - Time, TBD. Small Group Mentor Circles meet with Megan. If there are several groups, some groups might need to meet later in the week. We will discuss schedules to see what works. 
Week of Nov 21 - No class - Thanksgiving week 
Tuesday, Nov 30, 6:15-7:30pm—  Group Class #3: Living the Open Path
Tuesday, Dec 7, 6:15-7:30pm—  Small Small Group Mentor Circles meet with Megan. 
Dec 11, 9-12pm. ½ Day Virtual Retreat and Closing

Tuition: $785

Payment plans available.

Apply / Register / Inquire

All students will receive an acceptance email.
Once accepted, you are responsible for submitting payment in order to complete your registration.
For questions, you can use this form or email me directly at megan@meganmook.com.
Warmly, Megan