Working Together

Explore your mind and heart in a way that feels right for you.

Explore your mind and heart in a way that feels right for you.

Dharma Friends

Sliding scale, interactive community events that feature a modern take on traditional Dharma. Each month features a specific Dharma / artistic theme, guided meditation, and rotating artistic guests. In-person at Tibet House, NYC and on-line. Past themes include Compassionate Listening; Embodied Wisdom; Karma and The Six Realms; Hope & Optimism, and Meditation & Art.

Deeper learning: Courses and Classes

Whether it’s a full length course or a single class, these deeper learning opportunities are immersive, information packed, and a lot of fun. Best summed up as practice transforming and thought-provoking.


Learn Buddhist psychology, theory, personalized meditations, and healing advice to address your specific questions and circumstances. Engaging and deeply rewarding, one-on-one mentoring is highly individual. You determine your goals as well as the pace and frequency that we meet.

New students, please fill out a contact form.