
Creating & Sustaining Happiness in Times of Stress and Always


a rich and inspiring 5 week, ONLINE Course

Use this time to *create* something meaningful

April 30 — may 28, 2020

Learn how to Create (& Sustain) Happiness through:

• Meditation practices that encourage direct, personal experience
• Holistic learning & practice (think physical moment, philosophy, herbal wisdom)
• Traditional (yet modern) advice
• The power of creating a sacred space in our homes, drawing on advice from Indo-Tibetan Buddhism
• Connecting with a community of true spiritual practitioners
• Incorporating gentle movement, breathing, and relaxation techniques
• Receiving personal mentorship with individualized advice
•Deep auxiliary learning on the principles of karma with Venerable Robina Courtin (karma)
• Retreat (at home) with special practices on how to stop looking outside ourselves for happiness
• The power of compassion

This training is right for you if you are interesting in creating a hands on, personalized spiritual practice that focuses on creating joy (!) by cultivating compassion.

We need joy to advance on the path!

We owe it to ourselves and others to be happy along the way. Not only is happiness wonderful in and of itself, but it keeps us from getting burned out and depressed.

Because retreat is an integral part to spiritual development, this course is designed to be followed by an (optional) corresponding retreat. The retreat will be held in September, allowing students to practice the material on their own for a few months, and then come together (in person!) to strength community and deepen the practices.


• Powerful meditations passed down from Megan's Heart Teacher (this is, by far, the best part of the class)
• Live, 20-30-minute stretching and gentle yoga classes (taught by your peers, M,T,W,F)
• 5 live 90-minute classes with Megan Mook and guest teachings with David Perrin
• Dedicated Q+A time
• A practice buddy to connect with
• 1, 1/2 day retreat. 9-3pm, with extra special practices and retreat advice
• Free yoga class of your choice to download from Ellen Huang's virtual yoga library 
• 2 live Deeper Learning Seminars on key topics for spiritual practitioners (karma and natural healing)
• Body scan & chime sound bath with Jackie Stewart 
• Weekly community discussion groups to help you integrate the material. 
• Light, inspirational reading from Thich Nhat Hanh (students will be asked to buy a book or borrow one digitally from their local library)
• A modern look at ethics and spirituality 
• Private meeting with Megan 
• Intro to the Bodhisattava path, i.e. the path of the courageous warrior of the heart 
• Invitation to the Hudson Valley "Radical.Roots and Creating Happiness" retreat in the fall

Students who attend the retreat are eligible for formal Certificate of Training.

Class structure and themes

Each live class will be 90 minutes of practice, theory, and Q+A. In addition to class, there is one (highly encouraged) 30 minute community discussion per week.
*Can’t make a class? Don’t worry, all classes will be recorded*

Class Themes:

Class 1: Soothing Difficult Emotions
Class 2: Creating a Sacred Space in our Homes and Minds 
Retreat: You are Never Alone
Class 3: A Fresh Take on Ethics 
Class 4: Giving is the Key that Opens your Heart
Class 5: Giving and the Path of the Courageous Spiritual Warrior


Full Course: $1,200. Includes all classes (available for viewing for 7 days after their release), very special 1/2 day virtual retreat, 30 minute video consultation with Megan (1 hour for Radical.Roots participants), one online yoga video from Ellen Huang, 2 live Deeper Learning Seminars, all Community Yoga/Sound Baths.

The course is nearly full, and we have already allotted most of our scholarship money; but if you are in financial need, please apply and we will be in touch.

times + Dates

Class: 5 Thursdays from 5:15 - 6:45pm

Dates: April 30 + May 7, 14, 21, 28

Retreat: Saturday, May 9 from 9-3pm

Community Discussion: Mondays from 1:00-1:30pm

Optional Community Stretching /Yoga Classes:
Monday: 12 - 12:30 pm — Stretching/Gentle Yoga & Breathing with Anu
Tuesday: 5:15 - 5:45 pm — Restorative / Yin Yoga with Briana
Wednesday: 8:30 - 9:00 am — Stretching/Gentle Yoga & Breathing with Kelsey
Friday: 12-12:30 pm — Foundational-level, Active Yoga with Paul

Deeper Learning Seminars:
Venerable Robina—Karma. Monday, May 18. 6:30-8:30 pm.
Julia Graves—Intro to Natural Healing (bring your questions!). Sunday, May 24th. 11 - 12:30pm.


Students are expected to virtually attend all Thursday classes + the community discussions, the personal consultation, and the 1/2 day virtual retreat. This course is designed to be taken live. Recordings will be available in case something comes up. If you can’t attend live, but feel really drawn to this course, please note this in your application and we can talk about what feels best for you.